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Record ID Company Email Company Agent Company Name Status Type Actions
1 hboule0@hp.com Hayes Boule Casper-Kerluke 5 1
2 hbresnen1@theguardian.com Humbert Bresnen Hodkiewicz and Sons 2 2
3 jlabro2@kickstarter.com Jareb Labro Kuhlman Inc 6 2
4 ktosspell3@flickr.com Krishnah Tosspell Prosacco-Kessler 1 1
5 dkernan4@mapquest.com Dale Kernan Bernier and Sons 5 2
6 hbentham5@nih.gov Halley Bentham Schoen-Metz 1 3
7 bpenddreth6@example.com Burgess Penddreth DuBuque, Stanton and Stanton 5 2
8 csedwick7@wikispaces.com Cob Sedwick Homenick-Nolan 3 2
9 tcallaghan8@squidoo.com Tabby Callaghan Daugherty-Considine 2 2
10 bjarry9@craigslist.org Broddy Jarry Walter Group 1 2
11 mmcgougana@dion.ne.jp Marjorie McGougan Littel and Sons 6 1
12 espriggingb@china.com.cn Edsel Sprigging Kulas, Huels and Strosin 6 3
13 jgouldebyc@cocolog-nifty.com Jess Gouldeby Moen Group 5 1
14 mmatzld@msn.com Marys Matzl Emard-Gerhold 2 3
15 gfranscionie@craigslist.org Gabrila Franscioni Gusikowski LLC 4 2
16 cbookerf@blogs.com Cozmo Booker Dickinson-Klein 1 3
17 alarkingg@elegantthemes.com Arlie Larking Rosenbaum Group 4 2
18 yscogingsh@liveinternet.ru Yorker Scogings Gorczany LLC 2 3
19 dmuscotti@bloomberg.com Dominick Muscott Swaniawski-Sipes 2 2
20 lkynforthj@meetup.com Laurette Kynforth Torp-Satterfield 1 2
21 blycettk@t.co Beryl Lycett Schoen Inc 3 3
22 cboggasl@quantcast.com Carny Boggas Kuphal LLC 2 2
23 daxelbym@about.me Dyana Axelby Runolfsdottir-Hayes 2 1
24 oduffyn@de.vu Orelle Duffy Roberts and Sons 5 3
25 tkindero@hud.gov Taylor Kinder Terry-Howell 3 1
26 eaylesburyp@va.gov Emanuele Aylesbury Torp LLC 3 1
27 dgibkeq@multiply.com Dorie Gibke Tremblay and Sons 1 1
28 mharraginr@arstechnica.com Melisandra Harragin Turner-Cartwright 5 3
29 blampetts@behance.net Berenice Lampett Johnston-Fritsch 2 2
30 tmcmurthyt@psu.edu Tammie McMurthy Sipes, Conn and Stiedemann 2 3
31 djoyesu@microsoft.com Dinnie Joyes Keebler Group 5 1
32 kaxelbeyv@macromedia.com Kerianne Axelbey Wolff, Sporer and Bechtelar 6 1
33 kmacterlaghw@dailymotion.com Kiley MacTerlagh Hauck Inc 2 3
34 tshuttlex@washingtonpost.com Trula Shuttle Will-Morissette 5 1
35 hbrisleny@4shared.com Hollis Brislen Lowe, Jaskolski and Gulgowski 4 2
36 mbattinz@gov.uk Marsh Battin Fay LLC 6 1
37 ppinnion10@state.tx.us Patrizio Pinnion Haag-Stokes 2 3
38 idaouse11@yolasite.com Ilario Daouse Nitzsche, Davis and Romaguera 3 2
39 bcoleborn12@upenn.edu Blisse Coleborn Bailey, Windler and Marquardt 6 2
40 ajouannisson13@issuu.com Augustin Jouannisson Witting, Reilly and Morar 3 3
41 kjennison14@slashdot.org Kaleena Jennison Johnston Inc 5 3
42 mpetronis15@bandcamp.com Mariel Petronis Mitchell, Bashirian and Schroeder 5 3
43 ascroggie16@youku.com Adamo Scroggie Cartwright Group 4 2
44 lkilmartin17@bigcartel.com Lewiss Kilmartin Stroman-Orn 3 3
45 csachno18@blogs.com Claretta Sachno Zemlak-Cruickshank 4 1
46 bvan19@ebay.co.uk Bryn Van Castele Beier-Mante 5 2
47 tgatch1a@4shared.com Tades Gatch Klocko, Koelpin and Nikolaus 5 2
48 rjolland1b@artisteer.com Reinold Jolland Zieme-Funk 4 2
49 kbrainsby1c@hibu.com Ky Brainsby Towne Inc 2 3
50 sgiddings1d@samsung.com Sheryl Giddings Grimes, Ryan and Larkin 3 1

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James Jones
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iBlender The best kitchen gadget in 2020
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SmartCleaner Smart tool for cooking
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CameraMax Professional camera for edge cutting shots
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4D Printer Manufactoring unique objects
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MotionWire Perfect animation tool
$ 650 for 7

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